Hypochondriasis, hypochondria (sometimes referred to as health phobia or health anxiety) refers to excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. An individual suffering from hypochondriasis is also known as a hypochondriac. Hypochondriacs become unduly alarmed about any physical symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be, they are convinced that they have or are about to have a serious illness.
Hence the word “convinced”
Here’s the question for the day, if persons with hypochondria are alarmed by certain physical symptoms that makes them believe they have an illness. Why are we as people not alarmed when we are spending all or at least half our paychecks toward debt. Hypochondriacs’
In conclusion, if it’s easy for us to compare some things such as interest rates per lender or compare prices on a product than why isn’t it so easy to compare our financial mentality and realize that it’s going to take effort and the proper treatment to correct these types of habits of spending. So I’m going to ask you and you can comment on my blog at www.rjcreditassociates.blogspot.com ....Which is worse to you hypochondria or debt?